Friday, September 10, 2010

I must be Crazy!

I know we already all knew I was crazy, however this takes the cake! I am not only working full time I have 17 craft show this holiday season. 17!! I usually do 4! Oh and I really need to work on my etsy shop as well. So stay tuned for amazing things!

Oh and did I mention I am now selling avon on top of it all! When am I ever going to sleep! LOL. I do have some great new items this fall! Stay tuned for book marks-lovely beaded ones with ribbon and ones that are the metal that are beaded, tooth fairy pillows and who know what else!

Pictures to come soon.


Gloria Caruso said...

Yes, Holly I agree! Good luck you can do anything you put your mind to!!!

Mare said...

Yes, you are crazy, but we love you anyway.


For a look at more of my crafts please visit my Etsy store.

Holly's Crafts and Candy